Fire prevention system installation at PreGel Spa
N2 Oxygen Reduction System installation is proceeding and it will protect an High-bay warehouse 60 m long, 35 m wide and 44 m high.
For a fire to ignite three elements are needed: heat, combustibles, and an oxidizing agent, usually oxygen. Books are dry materials and cannot ignite themselves. However, being the books stored inside an automated archive, the electrical equipment used e.g., stacker crane, can become such a source of trigger. Therefore, the National Library decided to use ISOLCELL’s oxygen reduction solution to protect over 5 million books stored inside the brand-new automated archive.
For more details, read the attached article.
N2 Oxygen Reduction System installation is proceeding and it will protect an High-bay warehouse 60 m long, 35 m wide and 44 m high.
N2 Oxygen Reduction System installation is proceeding and it will protect an High-bay warehouse 60 m long, 35 m wide and 44 m high.
Isolcell’s oxygen reduction system technology has been chosen once again to protect a brand new high-bay warehouse of a well-known international company. Soon new updates!!
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